A Mum of Three’s First Hand Experience with 3DLipo - My 4th Treatment

Suki Knight Blog:  
A Mum of Three’s First Hand Experience with 3DLipo

My 4th Treatment

Well I’m becoming a veteran at this now and as a ‘frequent flier’ with New Image Yeovil the staff are greeting me like I’m part of the team (which is really lovely and makes quite a difference!) This week they even let me select a radio station to listen to which is a relief - god I hate the ‘’whale wailing’’ generally played in beauty salons although I have to say I haven’t had any of that with New Image Yeovil (yet :-)’).

As with previous weeks I have my ‘cavitation’, ‘radio frequency’ and ‘dermology’, all now completely comfortable and, dare I say it, relaxing (well one and a half hours away from three kiddiwinkles is not to be sniffed at I can tell you).

Now I’m not one for weighing scales (why torture yourself) so I can’t tell you how much weight I’ve lost but I can tell you that ALL my clothes are looser and I might even consider going out and buying a new outfit or two. I even managed to get into a ball dress I haven't worn since pre child number two.  Although I wasn't brave enough not to wear my Bridget knickers!!  

Pam (the owner of New Image Yeovil) explained to me that now I’ve had 3DLipo, ‘yoyo’ dieting won’t affect me as the fat cells in my stomach have been removed. You know when you come off a diet that seems to have worked but then you suddenly put weight back on really quickly? Well that’s because those greedy fat cells are just waiting to reabsorb all the naughty stuff. Since 3DLipo has removed mine this won’t happen any more.
Billy bonus!

Love from


A Mum of Three’s First Hand Experience with 3DLipo - My 3rd Treatment!

Suki Knight Blog:  
A Mum of Three’s First Hand Experience with 3DLipo

My 3rd Treatment

It’s the moment of truth... I haven’t been measured since I started this treatment so I have no idea if it’s really working or just wishful thinking. I suppose I should actually have been doing this in conjunction with a diet or maybe exercising, but as I’ve said in my previous posts I’m a working mother of three and just to be at New Image Yeovil  is a massive commitment. I can't remember when I last allowed myself this much time just for me (although I have to say it’s quite nice). I guess you could say it’s a testament to how good the 3DLipo really is, because any changes I can see can only be put down to the treatment.

Week three and it’s time to be measured again (deep breath) so here we are:

Ribs: 1/2’’ off
Tummy: 2’’ off
Belly: 1’’ off

Wow! Doesn’t sound like much but can I really feel it. A total of 3½‘’ makes all the difference and I’m not even half way through the course.

The treatment today is the same as for week 1 (‘cavitation’, ‘radio frequency’ and ‘dermology’) but this time I’m more relaxed as I know what to expect. The staff at New Image Yeovil are so lovely and chatty the time just goes. I find I’m concentrating on the gossip and forgetting I’m actually having a treatment, but maybe that’s just me - I do love a gossip!

Love Suki


A Mum of Three’s First Hand Experience with 3DLipo - My 2nd Treatment

A Mum of Three’s First Hand Experience with 3DLipo

My 2nd Treatment

After my first treatment I felt I could instantly see the difference.  I need to stress, I’m not weighing myself, it isn’t about weight loss for me.  I’m never going to be a size 10 (as much as I’d love to be) but after the children, my tummy area in particular stayed lumpy and wobbly (I’m talking 12 months after giving birth - it was worse than before I got pregnant!) . Going into this next treatment my tummy really does feel and look smoother - not that I’ll be showing it off to anyone just yet!

My second treatment is going to be quite different to my first. This week it’s ‘’cryolipolysis’’ which sounds a bit like something that would happen in Star Trek’s sick bay and to be frank the equipment is so high tech looking it actually might.

This time I was covered with a blanket over my bottom half and given a couple of pillows to help me be able to sit up and read, check my phone or do a sneaky bit of work (this treatment could be quite relaxing if I allowed it to be!)

A rectangular shaped funnel cup was put over my stomach. We had the music on and it was a pleasant temperature in the room (I so hate being cold). Then the vacuum is switched on. For the first 8 minutes for me, it did feel pretty uncomfortable
(a bit like a high powered Dyson sucking at my wobbly bits!) but after that the fat is ‘frozen’ so I couldn’t feel anything.

My battery died on my phone, so I just read the lastest OK! magazine which funnily enough had an article about this treatment and how celebs like Alex Gerald and Coleen Rooney had reaped the benefits and then I may just have nodded off for a few moments...  

It was the strangest feeling when it was all done, I honestly couldn't feel that area of my tummy.

I wouldn't say that I walked away looking noticeably different this time, but this part of the treatment is not as quick to see the results, apparently it still keeps working for up to six weeks. And I had some very complimentary comments from my husband that evening so it’s obviously working in ways I haven’t noticed!!

I feel so much better and definitely more toned, my clothes aren’t as tight and those jeans I mentioned last week are starting to fall down (well loosen slightly!) Next week I’m being measured again so fingers crossed.

Love Suki


My First Treatment of 3D Lipo at New Image Yeovil

So here’s me: I’m a 32 year old full time (and some) working mother from the outskirts of Yeovil.  I have three beautiful children (I am slightly biased!)  The Youngest two were born within two years of each other and to be frank I’ve ended up with a bit of a baby belly. I’ve never been skinny, nor do I ever think I will be, but my tummy skin is slightly lumpy, loose and saggy.  I have no time to exercise and I’ve tried diets over the years which don't get me wrong has meant I’ve lost weight but the moment I start to eat normally (my normal!) the pounds just pile back on!  I’ve lost the spring in my skin!  Being honest my diet is not the best (a few biscuits for lunch? hmmmm) but I have to pack so much into the day that preparing a sensible meal and the planning involved in that is just not realistic!

Whilst moaning to a dear friend of mine, she suggested a new treatment 3D Llipo.  My first thoughts were “really!!” It can't be that easy.  It’s quite an expensive treatment and all of the press I’ve read about it has been positive, so here I am telling you the truth - Photos and all (Eek!)

What is 3D Lipo? I found a video which say's it much clearer than I ever would!!

I arrive at New Image in Yeovil and the first thing I’m impressed with is how long and detailed the consultation is. They take oodles of medical history (for instance do I have any metal implants - luckily not!) Then they measure me, shall I share this with you? Oh ok go on then:

Under chest 38½”
Rib cage 40“
Waist 45”
Hips 47”


Off we go then, this has got to be done!  The first part is called ‘cavitation’ which I was really apprehensive about. I have to admit it was very noisy (from inside my head).  A little like a high frequency pylon.  It didn’t hurt at all (which is lucky because I cry when I have my eyebrows waxed and we wont talk about my bikini line!) I was able to keep a towel under my bra and over my knickers for modesty. They spend approximately 15 mins on 6 separate areas of my tummy. The worst thing about this is the cold jelly!! Although all jesting to one side, it's not that bad.

After that they used a ‘radio frequency’ gadget (hand held, slightly bigger than my palm). It warmed up the area of my tummy they were treating and was fine (quite nice actually). My skin had to get to around 40°. They spent around two minutes on each area.  It was NEVER uncomfortable - in fact at one point I thought I was going to nod off.  Well, had my phone not been pushing through endless e-mails!

It ended with ‘dermology’ using a roller and suction, which did leave my tummy a little red and the suction noise made me chuckle! This is the part that made me REALLY need to wee!

The whole thing took around an hour ½ and I felt fine - a little red on my tummy area but that soon faded. I really needed a wee and actually was weeing loads for the next week (all that fat pouring away?) But you don’t want to hear that do you - you want to know if I saw a difference! The answer is yes! I would say I instantly saw my tummy look less lumpy and my under tummy (the bit under my belt) was without a shadow of a doubt, flatter! Most surprisingly though was my stretch marks (of which I have MANY) were reduced. Within 24 hours I put on my faithful pair of jeans - washed since my treatment and (bingo!) my jeans show even less of that muffin top horror over my belt! Fantastic.
Can’t wait for the next one!
Love Suki x